Hooray! Redscale!

Agfa 400 (Redscaled) ~~ Canon EF

 Today I would like to upload a few redscaled photos from my newly developed/scanned batch of film.
I recently bought my own processing equipment, so all photos are developed and scanned by myself. I am completely unsatisfied by the quality of the scans - but hopefully that won't last too long as I grind my teeth at the sight of each photo scanned; driving me into insanity because my wonderfully good quality negatives are being wasted in a cheap scanner. Probably eventually causing me to cash out for a nice Epson V700. But for now... Enjoy the low-res photos!

Agfa 400 (Redscaled) ~~ Canon EF

And of course this marks the kick off of regular blogging on this blog; seeming as I know actually have photos to upload! So remember to bookmark this page or just what ever you please... Just remember to visit back! After I get everything going I may decide on a regular day when I post... But who knows I'll get around to that.

Agfa 400 (Redscaled) ~~ Canon EF

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